Saturday 2 April 2016

"In urbanization, you think big because you are thinking decades ahead." - Kushal Pal Singh
Which cities have the greatest chance of flourishing in the forthcoming decade? The question is an intricate one, and as the economy changes, so too, will the best situated cities. In the study of urban morphology, we aim to show construction sites and why they are situated where they are and their functions.
Let's have a look at the city of Port of Spain, the present government has employed many contractors to construct more buildings to facilitate government offices. The construction site shown in the pictures above is one of many found in Port of Spain. At the site an interview was conducted with two of the workers, namely Fabian Lewis and Sunil Lochan. They informed us that construction began with the People’s National Movement (PNM) in 2005, but stopped when the United National Congress (UNC) came into power in 2015. However, in 2015 when the PNM regained power construction continued. The building is meant to be a government complex solely for the purpose of government offices. It is expected to finish next year, 2017.

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